日本財団 図書館


need proposals for changes to be effected in national government activities.
Plan International Japan (Japan)
"The greatest obstacle to fund raising is people's lack of interest. How can we surmount this problem? NGO activities and government aid programs are becoming similar in recent years. Looking at it from another angle, this means that there is danger of NGO activities being used politically. We must be careful."
Japan Youth Ecology League (Japan)
"Unlike countries abroad, in Japan, charitable foundations do not fund network organizations. Is this because such activities are not considered important? There should be changes in this area."
Osaka Volunteer Association (Japan)
"NGOs should understand the logic of private enterprises; it is important to offer an attractive program that is in line with their policies."
Junior Chamber of the Philippines (Philippines)
"Rather than persist in conducting activities along one's own lines, it is better to tie up with diverse other groups and to cooperate with them. In this way, your activities are broadened much more."
Save the Children Japan (Japan)
"it is not easy to take live first-hand information available only at grass-roots level and process it into a form that can be used by other organizations. However, this is a task we must tackle if we are to prove the real capacity and raison d'etre of NGOs."





